The Biography Portrait : a unique Drawing style concept
Art of Biography
A Draw My Life in the detail and fine art portrait in the distance.
My collections includes over 500 fine art prints, featuring
Famous Women and Men, Cars, Dog breeds, Places and Quotes.
Because Everything has a story to tell...
Live drawing !
Since 2020, all my new drawings are filmed and put in a 3 minutes fast motion vidéo with my voice over in English (French accent).


Origins of this unique style
Back in 2010 when I started my first drawings in the streets of Dublin : hand-made with black ink and still having the passion for drawing portraits with stories inside !
Need Custom Artwork ?
I do custom artworks, Yes !
I can draw family picture, "Leaving Job" gift for Coworker, Book cover, illustration for Music festival and more.

More details about the pictures...

Malcolm Young Die : the short biography illustrated ! →
Malcolm Young was one one the most important member of AC/DC. Not because of his presence, show abilities or size. Just because he was co-founder of the band with his...

Ian Curtis of Joy Division →
Ian Curtis was the lead singer and lyricist of the iconic band Joy Division. Curtis left a huge mark on the post-punk music scene of the late 1970s. In this...

Short guitarist Quotes Art Illustrated →
Here are somes famous Guitarists quotes illustrated with my drawings. Short quotes are the best, selected ones, that fit perfectly each guitarist way of Life ! 1.Guitarist Quote by...