Dog Drawing Cartoon : The Podenco

2021 chien

I've had to draw the Ibizan Hound breed dog (podenco ibicenco in spanish) for a podenco breed lover. To do so, i've gatherer all the information and story of the breed to make the perfect drawing.

podenco dog breed cartoon dog drawing

1. Podenco Dog breed trait

Here are all the dog breed traits i've found about this dog : The Ibizan Hound is

  • elegant and agile breed
  • the athletic outline of the hound
  • Ibizan Hounds are intelligent and engaging by nature
  • They are true "clowns" and loved to entertain their people
  • Independent and stubborn at times
  • Training with positive methods only : they higly dislike punitive methods
  • this breed needs a lot of daily exercise, not like common couchpotatoes hounds

  • Ibizan Hounds masters the art of escape, with the ability to jump incredible heights from a standstill : this dog is also known as the kangaroo dog.

  • They are born with a strong Prey drive : don't trust them off leash unless you secured the area with 3 meters high fences.
  • The breed is very primitive as it stayed on baleares islands for thousand years without crossbreeding with other breeds.

how to draw a cartoon dog ibizan hound podenco

2. Podenco : How to draw this dog breed

  • Hounds are coming from the ancient egypt

I've started to do the comic version of the podenco while looking at the ancient egypt drawing of the dog. All hounds have their roots in egypt. I've picked up the Tesem god to draw my first podenco.

podenco ibizan hound cartoon dog drawing egypt pharaon

As the podenco is stubborn minded like the donkey, i've tried to draw the donkey and do the same to the podenco.

podenco ibiza hound stubborn donkey comics drawing

With theses two preliminary drawings of the podeco dog, i've done the draing of all the breed traits listed above.

podenco ibiza print drawing hound

3.Dog breed temperament list inside the picture

  • training with positive methods only : they higly dislike punitive methods

podenco ibizan hound reacts bad punitive method training

  • Ibizan Hounds masters the art of escape. the kangaroo dog can jump up to 3 meters high

podenco ibizan hound jump 3 meters high

  • They are born with a strong Prey drive

ibizan hound strong prey drive drawing

  • Podenco is a primitive breed of the baleares islands

levrier podenco ibiza baleares


More Dog drawing cartoons ?

Here are other dog drawings with plenty of details inside, See all the breed in the collection below. Featuring the Bernese mountain, the Hungarian Pumi, Beauceron and plenty of others

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