This breed seems to be a dog crossing between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd but looks more friendly than a Rott and is way quieter than the German.
Here is a description of the breed explained with drawings to make you understand how it is to live with this breed !
For thoses who don't want to read, there is a video with live drawing to understand the breed :
1 The Beauceron comes from France
The Beauceron is a french herding dog breed with origins in the center of France, this area is called "La beauce" wich give the name to the Dog.
The Beauce Area has a very caracteristic landscape : it's flat, small forest and rivers and very good lands for farmers.
Beauceron was originally bred as a shepherd dog - free herding (without fences) and work with the shepherd all day long : running fast to herd, waiting and looking around from his watchtower, give alert in case of intruders around.
This is in Beauceron's blood !
2. Beauceron : to serve and protect the Farm

In the past, Beauceron would help farmers : To Serve and protect the Farm !
Both guarding and herding sheeps, it was also very useful against wolves

An 18th century book mention : a daring mastiff capable of attacking and defeating a wolf on its own. This dog is really huge and impressive, especially when you just saw him in the distance : the dog did hear you 5 minutes ago and is trying to know if you are a threat or not. He didn't barked or made a sound to alert. If your enter the farm, you will see a real guard dog in action : alert the farmer and keep you in custody while he is coming. If you are a wolf, the dog will take care of the intrusion by itself.
3 The Beauceron : Dew Claws caracteristics

A unique characteristic of this breed is the double dewclaws on the back legs. These are required by the breed standard as a sign of a true Beauceron. Some folks says, it goes back to the early days of the breed : it gives more grip when herding a flock of sheep.
Not only the Beauceron have this caracteristic : The Great Pyrennes and the Briard (a beauceron with long hair) (There's a french thing about double dew claws...).
4 Beauceron or Bas rouge

This dog is also known as Berger de Beauce or Bas Rouge wich can be translated as "red stockings". The common colors are Black and tan, black mostly on the back and the head and Tan on the legs. This dogs looks like it's wearing tanned stockings.
While walking with your dog, People will be aware of theses colors that the dog is somehow a guard dog like Rottweiler or Doberman breeds. It's less frightening but some will cross the street to walk on the opposite pathway. Be prepared to this !
5 Black and Tan !

The most common color is black and tan, just like the Rottweiler and Doberman :
theses two breeds have beauceron blood in it.
6 A diligent Guard Dog

This breed has deep roots as a watchdog and is a very diligent guardian of the house : always observant and listening for anything out of the ordinary.
Nobody enter the farms without passing in front of The guardian !
7 Multi purpose dog

They are used quite successfully as "land mine" detection dog or for "Search and Rescue" works.

But is although patient and protective with children, making him a great family Dog.

As a very intelligent dog, It needs a disciplined master who knows how to train such a dog.

It's a sensitive dog wich displays an extreme sense of loyalty that illustrate the french saying :
Once a Beauceron, always a Beauceron !