Malcolm Young was one one the most important member of AC/DC. Not because of his presence, show abilities or size.
- Just because he was co-founder of the band with his brother Angus
- Because he wrote the lyrics and music of the albums
- Because he was one of the best Rythm Guitarist

(Malcolm Young biography portrait drawing details )
Here are fun facts of the guitarist illustrated with my drawings, resulting in the portrait of the Man with the Gretsch Guitar !

1.Did Malcolm Young of ACDC died ?
This is a good question as Malcolm was member of AC/DC band for years. The band is still touring and still have a somebody playing the guitar and who looks exactly like Malcolm with the famous Gretsch Jet Firebird !
Malcolm died on 18 novembre 2017 at the age of 64
So who is this guy playing rythm guitar at ACDC concerts ?
2.Why you still see Malcolm playing in ACDC ?
In the 2010's, Malcolm start to feel bad and AC/DC is looking for a replacement guitarist. Malcolm himself ask Stevie Young to replace him : He is his nephew but has almost the same age as Angus.
Because he is from the large Young Family tribe he looks like him and you may be confused trying to recognize him. And just like a Young Family member, he will rock'n Roll without asking for recognition or diva request !
3.Why Malcolm did suffer from Dementia ?
Malcolm started to suffers from dementia at the age of 60. The first cause is his abuse of alcohol throughout his life but there is another hiden cause.
You may have seen Malcolm and Angus Both are short guys. It's because they grew up in Glasgow in their early days and water pipes were still made of lead. That explains why they had Failure to thrive. This explains the illness he developed later leading to Dementia.

2.An Illustrated biography of Malcolm Young with a DrawMyLife
For those who don't like to read, I have prepared a video of his life in a few minutes movie with everything there is to know about the rythm guitarist of ACDC. Sit down and enjoy this draw my life Art portrait full of anecdotes !